Chris's Tech Reviews for the Home

Reviews from a tech ENTHUSIAST(sob sob there you go, I've admitted it!)...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Palm Pre verses the new Iphone

I must say, one of the devices that I am looking forward to, is the release of the palm pre and the new iphone. I must say it has been quite hard resisting the woo of the iphone's slick interface and the cool apps available (field runners and expando). I resisted this and instead went with a windows mobile 6 LG KS20 to be able to sync with outlook, and for the today screen, needing to display my appointments on the today screen, in order to keep my life organised. I must say that it is convenient just having it displayed there, rather than having to go into your calendar app. Which can sometimes defeat the purpose, because sometimes you might forget to check your calendar.

I must say, over the last year, my hands have been itching for a change, and then the palm pre was announced, and i thought wow. This surely has it over the iphone. A hardware keypad, which doesnt take up the entire screen when you need to enter text, multitasking, and online integration. I dont think you can ask for more from a touchscreen convergence smartphone. However, i believe the problem is, that with the palm pre, we kinda know what we are dealing with. However with the new iphone, at this stage we dont. Sure there are some rumours, but will Apple bring out some surprises?

I believe that there will be some people who would go with the palm pre, but as the palm pre is mainly interesting for those in the know, the iphone will still remain on top. and i suspect for many people who are keeping their eyes on the market, a lot who would go with the pre, would still wait for the release of the new iphone before going with the pre, considering how close their anticipated release times are.

Even though the release is still a few months away, I annoying find myself checking the news all to often for release details of the palm pre, and specs of the new iphone. However, I will know make any effort to just checking this once per week. The battle for the smart phone arena is heating up!


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